
Showing posts from March, 2018

Re Kabira 0033 - you are 10 now

--o Re Kabira 0033 o-- you are 10 now 26-March-2018   oh dear.. Aadit you are 10 now it seems only few days when you were born & cried out loud it seems only few days when we saw your tiny hands and had tears of joy it seems only few days when we brought you home to 16 Pelham Court oh dear.. Aadit you are 10 now it seems blink of eye since you crawled down the bed and didn't cry it seems blink of eye since you spoke first word  "mmmm" and not “ppppp” it seems blink of eye since you almost swallowed a nail and got first smack oh dear.. Aadit you are 10 now it seems just like yesterday since you walked and soon ran it seems just like yesterday since you rode a scooter and soon a bike it seems just like yesterday since you went to nursery and soon to school oh dear.. Aadit you are 10 now it seems unbelievable how you grew tall and taller everyday it seems unbelieva...

Re Kabira 0032 - Henna

--o Re Kabira 0032 o-- Henna temporary it may be, short-lived it could be, timeless are memories, eternal are joys,  transient is the pain, everlasting is the scent, o henna.. it's not just you, no different.. life is same. -- Ashutosh Jhureley -- --o Re Kabira 0032 o--

Re Kabira 0031 - Happy Mother's Day

--o Re Kabira 0031 o--   I love you mummy, without you I'm a dummy... come-on let's play , it's the party day... let's have some fun, with the pixel gun.. I wonder what's under wrapping paper , we'll check it later... ... Oh ! look it's a poem  Happy Mother's Day 2018 --o Aadit & Aditi o-- --o Re Kabira 0031 o--

Re Kabira 0030 - Life is full of colours

--o Re Kabira 0030 o-- सतरंगन  बोले ओ रे कबीरा,  मूरख ! जे संसार लिपा सतरंगन में। काहे खोजे मानुष मतलब को, काले-सफ़ेद शब्दन में।। बोली जसोदा रंग दे राधा, गोपन को सतरंगन में। न चढ़े तोहे कोई रंग, देख ले प्रेम रंग नैन न में।। आज सब खेरो होली, चपेड़ सबको सतरंगन में। हस दो एक दूजे पे,  होर देख खुदको दरपन में।। ।। होली है ।। Happy Holi Life is full of colors, then why is everyone trying to find meaning in black-and-white words (books). No color can overcome the color of love. On Holi, smile at yourself and laugh away all the sorrows with colors in your life. ।। Happy Holi  ।। --o आशुतोष झुड़ेले o-- --o Ashutosh Jhureley o-- 2018 --o Re Kabira 0030 o--