Re Kabira 002 - Bhopal

--- o Re Kabira 002 o ---


हवा क्या होती है, पूछो भोपाल से ....

पानी क्या होता है, पूछो भोपाल से ....

रात क्या होती है,
रात क्या होती है, पूछो भोपाल से ....
अगर जवाब न मिले, पूछो तो चिल्लाके .... !!!

सब्र क्या है, पूछो भोपाल से ....

अन्याय किसे कहते हैं, पूछो भोपाल से ....

बिना दोष के सज़ा क्या होती है, पूछो भोपाल से ....

ज़िन्दगी और मौत का फासला, पूछो ये भी भोपाल से ....

What does the wind feel like, ask someone in Bhopal!
What does water taste like ask someone in Bhopal!
How scary a night could be, ask someone in Bhopal!
What does patience truly mean, ask someone in Bhopal!
What is the definition of injustice, ask someone in Bhopal!
How a punishment without a crime like,  ask someone in Bhopal!
How close is the gap between life and death, ask someone in Bhopal!
If you don't get an answer, scream for an answer..... !!!

--o आशुतोष झुड़ेले o--
-- Ashutosh Jhureley --

I penned a few lines on the evening of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy when there was much debate and noise about intolerance in India. The people of Bhopal witnessed the worst industrial disaster in the history of mankind. The suffering is such that generations are suffering - polluted air, polluted water, polluted genes but all of them are fighting the battle for justice. Wanted to highlight and remind elites of Bollywood and literary India how tolerant and patient Indians are...

I was there on the night with my family, very close to union carbide and somehow lived to witness what happened afterward. Bhopal still haunts me.... nightmares live on.. 2-3 December 1984

‪#‎bhopal ‪#‎bhopalgastragedy ‪#‎killercarbide ‪#‎bhopal1984 ‪#‎methlyisocynate ‪#‎CH3NCO

--- o Re Kabira 002 o ---

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