Re Kabira 0029 - Light & Knowledge

--o Re Kabira 0029 o--

 दीपक पावक आँनिया,तेल भि आना संग।
तीन्यँ मिलि करि जोइया, उड़ि उड़ि पड़ैं पतंग।।
--o संत कबीर दास  o--

Translation: Ingredients of light are lamp, oil and fire. Once there is light, insect automatically gets attracted and intensity of fire kills them.
 --o Sant Kabir Das o--

My Interpretation: Similarly, true knowledge can be achieved once you have guru (lamp), respect for guru (oil) and devotion to gain knowledge (fire). All thought leading to misdeed vanishes with the power & intensity of knowledge. 
--o Re Kabira 0029 o--

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