Re Kabira 0068a - I wish I were a cloud

 --o Re Kabira 068 o--

I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud,
always lost in my own thoughts,
and everyone would have called me a crazy cloud,
winds would have carried my abode,
and would have changed colors with every season.

I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud,
would have been adorned on eyes of the sun,
and would have covered the moon in a cashmere shawl,
would have been a prince's horse,
and wings of a beautiful fairy.

I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud,
would have played hide & seek with the stars,
and would have flown high with the birds,
would have thundered when sad,
and would have rained in joy.

I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud,
would have been a roof on top of a couple in love,
and would have danced wild
would have been a story, a poem, or a song
and would be been a colorful painting.

I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud, 
would have been impersonator dreaming all day,
and everyone would have been jealous,
would have had boundless dreams,
and would have been free like a bird.
I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud, 
I wish I were a cloud,
a bit crazy cloud.

आशुतोष झुड़ेले
Ashutosh Jhureley

 --o Re Kabira 068 o--

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